ADMHS Backpack Buddies Program
Hello Athens Drive Families,
Please consider signing-up to donate food, time, or money to our Backpack Buddies program. This program serves approximately 30 Athens Drive students who otherwise would not have food during non-school days (weekends, holidays, etc.). The program discretely distributes backpacks filled with food each Friday. The backpacks are returned empty on Monday and then reused each week.
Currently, PTSA “stocks” the food panty once a month and needs your help. Monthly volunteer opportunities include ensuring food quantity, shopping for food, and donating food and gift cards.
The ADHS teachers/faculty spearheading the BackPack Buddies program are Jennifer Dutton and Kendall Boothe.
Lisa Freer and I will be coordinating the volunteer efforts this year and look forward to working with you. If you have questions, you can reach us at or
Please volunteer using this link: BACKPACK BUDDIES SIGN-UP GENIUS