The Athens Drive Drama Department Presents….
A Comedy by Ken Ludwig
November 21-23, 2013
Athens Drive High School Auditorium
$5.00 Pre-Show/ $8.00 at Door
The Athens Drive Theatre Department’s 2013 fall production is Lend Me a Tenor, a comedy set in 1934 at the Cleveland Opera Company.
The story involves renowned tenor Tito Merelli who has signed on to play Othello but he arrives late and, through a set of crazy circumstances, passes out after mixing wine with a huge dose of tranquilizers. Believing that the divo is dead, the excitable opera manager taps his hapless assistant, an aspiring singer named Max, to replace Merelli. Meanwhile, the tenor’s jealous wife, his ambitious female co-star, Max’s young girlfriend and the flirtatious head of the opera guild are on the scene fighting—sometimes literally—for the star’s attention.
Lend Me a Tenor will be Thursday Nov. 21-Saturday, Nov. 23 at 7:00PM in the school auditorium.
The stars of the play are Matthew Washington, Sami Schneider, Sabrina Palazzo, Grace Gibbons, Will Sideris, Nick Taylor, Ryan Hippe, and Tara Boldrin.
Tickets are only $5 if purchased before Wednesday, November 20 and are $8 the night of the show.
To buy an advance ticket you can follow the instructions on the form available in the arts hallway or send money in an envelope with name, number of tickets and the date to Mrs. Trimmer, the Theatre Arts teacher in Trailer #6.
The ADHS Theatre Boosters are selling coupon books for $30 and HoneyBaked Ham gift cards in increments of $10 on up to benefit the Theatre Department. They will also be selling poinsettias in December so watch for further information about that fundraiser.
ADHS Lend Me a Tenor
Submitted by Lucy Shockley on behalf of Mrs. Burgundy Trimmer ADHS Theatre Arts Teacher