The Wake County PTA Council Board of Directors announces the formation of the Dr. James E. Hedrick, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund

Dr. James E. Hedrick, Jr. passed away unexpectedly on August 2, 2016. A lifelong educator, he came to Cary in 2005 as principal of Green Hope High School. He became the principal of Athens Drive High School in 2014. Dr. Hedrick’s legacy includes thousands of Wake County students, athletes, teachers, coaches, parents, and administrators, and he will be sorely missed in the Wake County Public School System and the Wake County community.
This restricted scholarship fund will allow the Wake County PTA Council to offer a competitive scholarship or multiple scholarships for graduating high school senior(s) pursuing a career in education, with preference given to those with an interest in athletics and/or coaching as part of their future career.
Scholarship applications will be accepted from high school seniors attending any high school in the Wake County Public School System. Details regarding applications will be presented by the Council later in the 2016-2017 school year.
Donations to this fund are currently being accepted by check payable to “Wake County PTA Council.”
If donors require a tax receipt for their contribution, the Council asks them to include their email address so that receipts can be sent electronically. Otherwise, the Council expects that donors will consider their canceled checks to be receipts for contributions. The Council may consider online donations at a later date, but at the moment is only able to accept check donations.
Interested donors may mail checks to:
Wake County PTA Council
Crossroads II Office Building
110 Corning Road
Cary, NC 27518
Please note “Hedrick Scholarship Fund” in the memo section of your check.
Please note the donor instructions in the paragraph above about memo line and email address.
For tax purposes, Wake County PTA Council is a registered 501-c3 under Federal EIN: 56-1398084.
Sarah Martin
PCHS PTSA President, 2016-2017
Wake County PTA Council Advocacy Chair, 2016-2017