Athens Drive High School Fall Exam Schedule
1/08/2016 – 1/19/2016
Monday, January 11, 2016
7:25-10:25: 1st period exam
- Teacher made exams
- Review for End-of-Course Exams (EOCs)
10:25-11:13: Lunch
11:18-2:18: 3rd period exam
- Teacher made exams
- Review for End-of-Course Exams (EOCs)
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
7:25-10:25: 2nd period exam
- Teacher made exams
- Review for End-of-Course Exams (EOCs)
10:25-11:13: Lunch
11:18-2:18: 4th period exam
- Teacher made exams
- Review for End-of-Course Exams (EOCs)
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
7:25-11:30: Math I EOC
11:30-12:10: Lunch
12:15-2:18: Study Hall
Teacher made and VOCAT make-ups
Thursday, January 14, 2016
7:25-11:30: English II EOC*
Math I EOC make-up exams
11:30-12:10: Lunch
12:15-2:18: Study Hall**
Teacher made and VOCAT exams
Friday, January 15, 2016
7:25-11:30 Biology EOC*
English II EOC make-up exams
Math I EOC make-up exams
11:30-12:10: Lunch for teachers in the cafeteria
12:15-2:18: Teacher made and VOCAT exams
Monday, January 18, 2016
Holiday (school will not be open)
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
7:30-2:18: Teacher Workday
7:30-11:30: Make-up exams for all EOCs
12:00 (noon): Grades due
Exam Information:
- Due to a change in practice, high schools can no longer release early after exams. Thus, the above schedule is based on that requirement.
- On Wednesday and Thursday exams will end around 11:30 to be followed by lunch and a “study hall” that will last two hours. Friday’s exam will end around 11:30. It is an Early Release day.
- Students may leave after the exam period has ended with parental permission only. The parent will have to arrange transportation and the student must leave campus.
- Students must turn in a signed copy of this permission form to their English, math or biology teacher on the day of that exam.
- Any student leaving after the exam period has ended must leave campus. They will not be permitted to “hang out” on campus and which includes the media center.
- Any student who does not have permission to leave campus will be placed in a study a “Study Hall” which will be held in the cafeteria** from 12:15 to 2:18 when busses depart campus.
- While in “Study Hall,” students will only be allowed to quietly study, read, or listen to music. They will not be allowed to get up and move around the cafeteria.
- If a student does not have an exam scheduled for a specific period, they do not have to be on campus. If they are, they must be with their assigned teacher for that class/class period.
General Comments and Reminders:
- Exams in an EOCs count 25% of final grade while other exams count 20%. Year-long classes: the midterm assessment is 10% of each final semester grade.
- An exam must be given in a semester course. In a year- long course the exam can be a culminating activity…but there must be some type of assessment given on the exam day.
- Exams should last the majority of the scheduled time (recommended minimum is 2 hours for non-EOCs). Even though students may finish early, they should not be dismissed from class except in the case of an emergency.
- Grades are due to Ms. Pappadake by NOON on January 19, 2016. Incompletes should not be given. If there is a question, contact Dr. Hedrick or Mr. Katz.
- If a senior is exempt from an exam during one of the class periods, they do not have to come to school that day. If they do report to school, they should be with the teacher to whom they are assigned. The library will not be a collecting place.
- For students who miss an exam, the teacher should send the student’s name to Ms. Guzman in the attendance office and to their Guidance Counselor. If it is an EOC, contact Tori Seese.
- Please, do not allow students to take out cell phones and use them during exam periods. In the case of EOCs and VOCATs, it could result in a test misadministration.
- Special education has requested that all “separate setting” and “read aloud” exams be sent to the student’s case manager by Tuesday, January 5, 2016. In the case of “read aloud” exams, send 2 copies (one for student and one for the teacher). Please provide these copies to Ms. Hrehor.
- For all teachers: Submit a list of potential failures to Ms. Brown in guidance and to the assistant principal who supervises your area.
- If a senior is exempt from a semester exam, they do not have to attend that exam session. They must not be on-campus. If they are, they must be under the supervision of their teacher. They will not be allowed to “hang out” anywhere on campus.
Teacher made Make-up exams:
- Teachers are responsible for administering their make-up exams. If a student misses a teacher made exam, contact the student about date and time of make-up.
EOC and VOCAT Make-ups:
- Testing times and sites will be determined by Ms. Seese and Mr. Bragg and manned by counselors, administrators, and teachers, as needed.
- Seese and Mr. Bragg will share testing scenarios during training sessions.
Senior Exam Exemptions:
- It is important to remember that exam exemption is a privilege that is earned based on their attendance and not something that is awarded simply because they are a senior.
- No senior may exempt either an EOC, a NCFE or a VOCAT exam for any reason.
- All absences, with the exception of a school sponsored event, count an absence and against the attendance policy and against exam exemption.
- The only exception is each senior is allowed two college visits for the year. While they count as an absence, they will not impact exam exemption status. All other “educational opportunities,” while excused, count against exam exemption.
- Seniors are exempt based on the following criteria:
- If the student has an A…the student may miss up to 3 days from your class
- If a student has a B…the student may miss up to 2 days
- If a student has a C…the student may miss 1 day
- A student should not be counted absent if they are on an “official” school sponsored trip. Their name should have been supplied by the coach/sponsor before their absence
- All other absences regardless of reason (sickness, attendance at a funeral, family vacations, etc.) are counted as absences and against exam exemption.
- An “unexcused absence” nullifies a senior exemption for that class.
- If a senior exceeds or does not meet the criteria for an exemption, they can submit an appeal.
- All exam appeals are due no later than Tuesday, January 5, 2016, by 11:00. Appeals will not be accepted prior or after January 5.
- All appeals go to Dr. Hedrick.
- Appeals will only be accepted during the following times: 7:00-7:20 a.m. and 10:30-11:00.
- The appeal must adhere to the following:
…Word processed by the student. Please note the following: 1) appeals filed by the parent for their child will not be accepted; 2) hand written appeals will not be accepted.
…Not to exceed ½ page in 10 point font
…Explain why they should be exempted in spite of exceeding the policies limits.
…Their attendance profile must be attached for the semester. This can be obtained at the attendance office.
…Grade verification must be provided by the teacher of that class. It should be at the bottom of the letter asking for the appeal and signed and dated by the teacher.
…The appeal can only be submitted by the student.