Join Us on Saturday, October 25th to spruce up Athens Drive High School!
From 9:00am to 12:00pm, we will be planting bushes and tending to the campus gardens!
Do you need service hours? We really could use your help!
Please meet us in front of the library.
We are accepting donations of water and snacks: Sign-Up Genius
This Saturday, October 25th from 9:00 am-12:00 noon, the PTSA is sponsoring the Second Annual Fall Beautification Day.

Students and parent are encouraged to join us as we work to plant flowers, bulbs and 200 azalea bushes in front of the school, rake leaves, spread mulch, and remove dead shrubs and tree limbs.
Special attention is being given to the new NC Native Plant Garden and the National Honor Society Garden next to the library.
Bring your rakes, shovels, pitch forks and work gloves; we also need several wheel barrows to move soil and mulch. Be sure to mark your tools with your name.
Students can earn service credit (NHS, Beta Club, Scouts, youth group, etc.) for their work on Saturday, please bring your forms for us to sign!
If you would like to help but are unable to join us on October 25th, you can send snacks or bottled water for the volunteers in care of Mrs. Finkbeiner whose office is in the library–go to this link to sign up: October 25th ADHS Fall Beautification Day
Hope to see you on Saturday morning in front of the library entrance!