Meeting was called to order by Paulette Carrieri at 7:02pm. People in attendance were as follows:
Paulette Carrieri
Maryann Hiscock
Susie Childers
Lucy Shockley
Sabrina Finkbeiner
Dr Hedrick
Mary Martin
Lisa Foster
Renee Brown
January minutes were not available for review.
Paulette will contact Mr Crockett to return to the school for the presentation of his retirement photo. Donations will be accepted at our next meeting to help offset the cost to frame his photo. Cost is roughly $115.
Maryann Hiscock presented January financials. We have an ending balance of $4,172.10.
Paulette has inquired about changing the format of the financial month end reporting. Maryann confirmed that the current format is what is identified on the state PTA website. The NC Beautiful grant of $1000 had just been received the week prior and will show up in the February activity.
Mary Martin reported on the teacher grants that were awarded. The total amount spent will be $642.91. This is less than the budget amount of $1000 due one grant that was under spent and a second grant that had been awarded is now going to be funded from the school budget. The excess of $357.09 will be a favorable hit to our bottom line.
The discussion of PTSA vs PTO has been tabled until March.
Lucy Shockley reported on programs in Mary Ann Wilson’s absence.
We currently have 6 people signed up for the Study Right program.
Hospitality handed out goodie bags to the teachers for Valentine’s Day. The treats were a big hit with the teachers and were appreciated.
PTSA position profiles were sent out to all board members via email.
The NC Beautiful grant will be used to plant a native NC garden. Mr Hunning will supervise the project. Home Depot on Walnut St (Crossroads) has donated bulbs & seeds that will be planted on Mar 1st. In addition, Teen Corp will be out mulching near the admin entrance.
Michelle Young has run across an issue with Student Services in getting information on the senior honor scholars. Historically we have published the list of those seniors with a GPA of 4.0 after the 1st semester of their senior year in the yearbook and posted on the bulletin board.
Dr Hedrick had commented that the administration had noticed problems with the information from NC Wise not rolling into PowerSchool. Currently there in no accurate class ranking and that the state is aware of the problem and it will be resolved soon. This information is needed quickly since the year book will go to press soon. It was determined that Paulette would follow up with Dr Baber to possibly widening the criteria.
Dr Hedrick updated us on the following school news:
We have 1 National Merit Scholar& 1 Park Scholar
3 or 4 wrestlers have qualified for the state wrestling tournament.
Girls varsity basketball team was playing this evening for a possible conference title.
Spring break will not be taken away for the additional snow make up days. The school board
has determined that we will be able to complete the allotted number of instructional hours as required by the state. Make up days are- Mar 7th is now a full day and Jun 11th has been added to the school year. Graduation slated for Jun 7th will go on as scheduled. The school will work with seniors to have finals exams before graduation. All other exams will go until Jun 10th with Jun 11th for make up exams.
Dr Hedrick also addressed the group and updated us on the sexting scandal that has affected 6 Wake County high schools, including Athens Drive. Once these Athens students had been identified, all parents were notified immediately. At this time, the secretary has choose to summarize Dr Hedrick’s comments and to not misstate this sensitive subject, by noting that school administrators and the Wake County school system have been cooperating with police.
Mrs Finkbeiner next spoke as the teacher liason. She expressed her sincere thanks for the Valentine Day goodies to all teachers. She also was looking for timing of the next grounds beautification day and the presentation of Mr Crockett’s portrait.
A guest speaker Lisa foster (an Athens Drive parent) presented information to the group about the newly created Academic Integrity committee. This group was created by Mr Parrish along with select parents, students & faculty to help raise awareness to academic achievement at the school. The group has worked together to craft a policy of honor and integrity. A local bank has agreed to provide the funding for this committee to reward students. It has been determined that this committee would be a perfect fit with the PTSA and would fall under Academic Boosters.This would give better control and distribution of all monies. In order to formally get this committee approved, a vote will be needed by both the executive and general board. Timing has not been determined.
Paulette had addressed the group on her conversation with Dr Hedrick and the ongoing interaction between the PTSA and school administration. Below are some of the proposed changes he is recommending:
School administration will take over the back to school breakfast for teachers that had historically been organized by the PTSA. Everyone in attendance at the meeting agreed. This is turn will save the PTSA roughly $600.
Dr Hedrick also suggested that we source out the collection of Senior monies that have normally been used to support the Senior breakfast and picnic with the help of the Senior Events committee. This outside sourcing will be done by the same group that collects monies for cap & gowns. Currently all monies collected and reimbursed to the committee ran through the PTSA budget. The group was split as to where this should reside. Maryann Hiscock will contact past Senior Events chairperson for their input.
Lucy brought to our attention a request from the Lufkin Road MS about promoting their upcoming auction on our website. Historically we have agreed not to promote any other school’s activities or events. After hearing the LRMS request, the group was split and arguments went both ways. Further discussion is needed.
At the spring Open House a parent had approached the PTSA about grant writing. John Anderson volunteered to assist in the writing process. A request was submitted by the secretary to form a Grant Writing committee. This will have to be voted on at an upcoming meeting.
Paulette called the meeting to an end at 8:24pm.
Minutes have been respectively submitted by acting secretary Renee Brown.