Athens Drive Magnet High School
PTSA Meeting Minutes
October 10, 2017
Meeting Attendees: Stephen Mares, Darlann Romney, Lysa Fulbright, Glenda Westerbeek, John Sykes, Dulce Rodriguez-Wester, Sherry Skinner, Lynne Davies-Cutting, Tricia Pannill, Christine Bost, Kerry McCarthy Adams
- PTSA President Darlann Romney called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
- Secretary Lysa Fulbright went over the Minutes from the previous meeting. John Sykes made the motion to approve these Minutes. Motion was seconded by Darlann Romney and unanimously voted to be approved.
- Darlann went over the Proposed Budget. Mr. Mares made the motion to approve and John Sykes seconded it. It was unanimously voted as approved.
- Treasurer Glynda Westerbeek then discussed the previous month’s income and expenses.
- Programs:
- Student Academic Recognition: Assistant Principal Andrea Johnson runs this. **Need three gift cards a month for drawings
- Honor Roll Recognition: It would be nice to be able to include a coupon in the letters from Mr. Mares. **Need to find people who know people who can make this happen!
- **Need people who can translate Mr. Mares’ weekly message into Spanish. It would be nice to have a few so they can take turns.
- Backpack Buddies: (1) Suggestion by Tricia Pannill – Have the BB Sign-up be for multiple months. People will be more likely to sign up all at once than to have to keep signing up each month. (2) Kerry McAdams said her husband works for the NC Food Bank and they have programs to donate food to school programs like this. Darlann spoke with Kerry after the meeting to get her husband’s contact info about this.
- Administration Report: Mr. Mares gave an overview of several current and upcoming activities at the school:
- Homecoming game and dance last Friday
- Womens Golf going to State Championship
- Many of the Fall sports teams are doing well. There has been higher attendance and participation this year.
- There are 2118 students enrolled at ADMHS this year. Several new teachers will be hired for 2nd semester to help accommodate this increase in students.
- The school has 2 buses now for Field Trips
- ADMHS Mattress Sale – Saturday, November 11th
- Magnet Night Open House – Thursday, November 16th. Hospitality to provide dinner for staff and teachers. Darlann will meet with Hospitality Chair Shanna Ratashak to discuss.
- Meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.